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The Plastic Art Company has been serving the print industry for over 33 years, providing high quality, high volume lamination and encapsulation services. We own some of the fastest equipment in the country and can produce finished sheets at rates in excess of 30 metres per minute.

We also have a number of auto lines each capable of producing over 20,000 finished sheets per day and we can accommodate prints up to 50" wide and as long as you like.

We can mount your prints onto Foamex, or Foam Board and offer a host of other finishing services such as wiro-binding, hole punching, guillotining, shrink wrapping and creasing.

Feel free to browse our site, have a look at our products and services and if you have any questions or need a quote then feel free to give us a call or send us a message.

Opening hours


8:00 AM - 5:00 PM​

0113 271 77 44
Please note our new address

Century House

4 Millennium Drive

Park 2000


LS11 5BP


The Plastic Art Company was established in Leeds in January 1990. Its purpose was to assist the London and Manchester branches in meeting the ever increasing demand in the print industry for document protection and presentation on an industrial scale.

High volume encapsulation was becoming the norm rather than the occasional and this required new high speed equipment. We invested in two auto-lines each capable of producing more than 20,000 finished sheets per day.

At that point the widest sheets we could finish were 40”, but with the emergence of a new breed of wide format inkjet printers there was a demand for wider. To meet this demand we brought in a 50” laminator which is the largest we can do to date.

We continue to invest in technology to meet the demands of the print industry so watch this space!

Some of our clients





British Heart Foundation


Xerox Global Services






Harvey Nichols




Yorkshire Television


B & Q

0113 271 77 44

Monday - Friday 8AM - 5PM



Century House

4 Millennium Drive, Park 2000

Leeds LS11 5BP

© 2023   Leeds Plastic Art • A Division of Leeds Graphic Press Ltd  • Registered in England Number 1403800 • VAT Number 313 5773 65

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